The Tiny Desk Concert series, hosted by NPR, is a unique and intimate concert series where musicians perform live behind a desk in the NPR Music office. It features a wide variety of artists across genres, providing an up-close and personal experience with each performance. Watching these performances can be a great way to discover new music and see top performers in a more relaxed setting.

Some notable Tiny Desk Concerts you might enjoy include:

1.  Anderson .Paak & The Free Nationals: This energetic performance showcases Anderson .Paak’s incredible musicianship and charisma.

2.  H.E.R.: A soulful set featuring the R&B artist’s smooth vocals and impressive guitar skills.

3.  Lizzo: An electrifying performance filled with fun, confidence, and Lizzo’s signature energy.

4.  Tame Impala: A captivating performance from the psychedelic pop project led by Kevin Parker.

5.  Billie Eilish: A hauntingly beautiful set featuring the young pop star’s unique voice and style.

These are just a few examples, but there are many more Tiny Desk Concerts featuring artists across various genres. You can find the full series by clicking here or on NPR’s website or YouTube. Enjoy watching these incredible performances!